Are you experiencing a challenge in the life you have created or feeling the call into another way of living that is unconcerned with the life you have outgrown.
Separation, divorce, death of a loved one, loss of a job, anxiety, addiction, things just seem to be falling apart?
Maybe the darkness is manifesting as feeling of stuck – stagnated - wondering why you are here and feeling there must be more to life than this?
The old maps that have guided your life are no longer useful. Throw them away; your soul says. Remember how to navigate by the stars again. As the confines of your old life tumble, the future You begins to step forward - the You that searches the horizon looking for the one life you belong too. The one life that is also looking for you.
How to get from where you are now to where you want to be likely isn’t clear yet. It may seem impossible - a challenge beyond you - that keeps you circling in confusion or self-doubt.
Know that humans have been facing and overcoming what seem like insurmountable challenges since the beginning of time. It is the edge of uncertainty that calls forth our greatest creativity.
We used to call it initiation.
Those that went before us created ceremonies to ease the passage.

These periods of darkness or challenge that crop up in our lives serve as a calling, a kind of gate-keeper at the threshold.
Something wants to die.
Without the wisdom of initiated elders and the old ceremonies to guide us across these divides we may misinterpret the calling and not make it to the other side.
It is the life we cultivate each day, by the stories we tell ourselves, the way we stand inside our own skin that leads to the crafting of character – a true elder.
Otherwise we simply become an older version of the uninitiated self who refused the call.

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Are you standing at a threshold, unsure what is next? Are you ready to take a step into the unknown? You are not alone. Many humans have walked this path before you - including our seasoned Guides.
Rites of Passage Council is a nonprofit organization dedicated to personal growth and professional development. We advance no singular spiritual belief system. We facilitate the opening of compassion and a trust in the spirit of each one’s own understanding.