Are You Standing at a Threshold?

Modern life is fraught with thresholds -marriage, divorce, conception, career changes, job loss, death of a loved one, psychological and spiritual crises. Yet we have lost our Rites of Passage, those ancient ceremonies designed to help us across these thresholds into the next phase of life. Cultures across time and from around the globe have used Rites of Passage ceremonies to facilitate the transformation of consciousness necessary for each of up to step into the next phase of our lives with a personal vision, a sense of community responsibility and a deep connection to Earth and Spirit.

In our modern culture these Rites have been replaced with pseudo-initiations that do not provide the necessary personal transformation and can do more harm to the initiate. This often leaves us feeling unclear about our path, without a clear vision of our own personal medicine we carry. It leaves us disconnected from our communities, not sure of our role, of how we fit into the greater community in a way that will benefit us all. The loss of these Initiatory Rites of Passage along with a lifestyle that is increasingly based on technology has removed our attention from our connection with Earth and Spirit leaving us wandering, looking for how we connect, where we belong.

What’s Holding You Back from Crossing the Threshold?

Fear, self-doubt, disconnection from community and Spirit? Thresholds, by their nature, are scary. Some piece of us has to die, some parts need to be let go in order for us to evolve into the next version of ourselves. Humans are social creatures, as much as we try to convince ourselves of our independence we are intimately tied to other people, animals and plants and the planet that gives us life. We cannot cross major life thresholds alone, we need the support of our Community to whom we will return, our Elders who have been there before, our Ancestors who have enabled us to be here and of Spirit to guide us.

Rites of Passage ceremonies are designed to help navigate the challenging times of life allowing us to emerge on the other side with a new vision of ourselves, our place in community and our connection to Earth and Spirit.


What is a Vision Quest Ceremony?

The Vision Quest ceremony has been used in various forms for thousands of years by peoples from all over the planet. The modern version of the Vision Quest or Wilderness Fast typically involves four days and four nights fasting (no food), alone, in the wilderness. Through an eco-spiritual process we will assist you in releasing repressed emotions and old belief patterns that no longer serve you. This will enable you to identify, with clear intention, the passage of your life that you are ready to mark as you enter the threshold phase of your initiation. It is here that we will guide you in embracing new ways of living, loving and learning.

Benefits of attending:

  1. Overcome your fears of whatever is next in your life

  2. Gain clarity on your next steps

  3. Deepen your connection to the natural world and to Spirit

  4. Let go of habits, compulsions and obsessions that are holding you back

  5. Release stagnant grief

  6. Find your joy and

  7. The wide ranging health benefits of fasting for more than 72 hours

 Within this eleven day village encampment is the 4 day and night “threshold phase” of the rite of passage. The time at base camp both before and after is surrounded by deep connection and community in nature with a Council of Elders who have walked this path before you. They are committed to serving as your ceremonial midwifes as you navigate the territory of your own crossing.

The Vision Quest is an ancient pan-cultural initiation rite of passage that encourages & supports the awakening of your own indigenous wisdom, personal vision, & purpose for being on this earth.

To ‘walk naked’ into the womb of Mother Earth & pray for vision has been the way of all our ancient ancestors as they sought to uncover the mysteries of their own sacred medicine & return to their people with vision and purpose.
— Kedar S. Brown

Why do a Vision Quest with Rites of Passage Council?

We have been guiding people across their personal thresholds more then 25 years. Our team of facilitators and ceremonial midwives have all trained under the guidance of Kedar S. Brown M.Ed. Our team have varied backgrounds in psychotherapy, wilderness rites of passage, somatic therapy, professional counseling, Hakomi body-centered psychotherapy, depth psychology, marriage and family therapy, ecotherapy, shamanism and sound healing.

Rites of Passage Council is the premier organization of the East Coast USA and the UK offering wilderness rites of passage and group ritual work.

Your four day and four night solo is part of an eleven day sacred encampment during which you will be supported by highly skilled guides through the various phases of a rite of passage, including:

  1. Identifying and letting go of things necessary before you go out on the “sacred mountain”. This work starts when you make the decision to quest and continues in-depth during the first few days of the encampment.

  2. Providing safety and energetic support while you are out on your solo. Our experienced team usher you through the threshold ceremony the first morning of your solo and then hold space for you for the next four days and nights.

  3. Once you cross back over the sacred threshold from your solo time back to the village you will be enfolded into the Council of Elders. They will help you find the story of your experience and disocver your own personal mythology that will carry you into your new life.

Our guides are all highly trained through the 18-month Rites of Passage Guide training and certified in Wilderness First Aid.

My experience was deeply meaningful. It was an other worldly breath that breathed new life into me.
It made so many whispers in my own soul come clear. It was a cleansing baptism in the waters of my own consciousness and in the waters alive with Spirit.
— Musician age 54

What’s Included?

Bring your camping gear and get yourself to the meeting spot - everything else is provided, including:

  • Three meals a day (except when you are fasting!)

  • Four day, four night vision quest ceremony

  • A beautiful private property to camp, roam and swim (depending on the location you choose)

  • The full attention of our dedicated, highly-trained staff. We usually have 4 staff and 8 questers.

  • Sweat lodge ceremony to help prepare you for your journey

  • Drumming movement and poetry

  • Instruction in the Four Seasonal Shields of Initiation

  • Personal myth making and storytelling

  • Self and group generated ceremony

  • Ritual process healing, body centered, group psychotherapy

We will provide you with a full gear list and many more details on the activities of the eleven day encampment.

“I had great fear going into this Vision Quest. I wasn’t scared about sleeping out with the creepers and the crawlers, and I wasn’t scared about going a few days without food. My great fear was that nothing would happen, that all those places where I was stuck would still be stuck after all my efforts. Something happened! It’s not as if everything is fixed now and every day is pure bliss, because that’s not how it works. There have been, however, huge movements, monumental shifts within me, and I feel I have transcended or transformed so much festering stuck-ness and can finally breathe a bit of fresh air, stepping so much lighter and with greater confidence, moving in the direction I need to be moving in for the fulfillment of my soul-work, my purpose.”
— B. Cannon, Percussionist, Naturalist & Educator


Your safety is our first priority. We have been safely guiding people through wilderness rites of passage for over 25 years in the US and the UK. We are familiar with many types of ecosystems, mountains, forests, desserts and shores. All our guides are certified in Wilderness First Aid and have spent hundreds of hours in the terrain in which you will be questing. We are skilled in making sure that the level of challenge you experience is appropriate for you.

The vision quest was the single most wonderful, most terrifying, most eye opening experience I’ve ever had in my life. I really started learning who I am and what my path looks like.
— Librarian age 33

When and Where Can I Participate in a Vision Quest?

Upcoming Vision Quests

Asheville, NC: May 6-16, 2025 Location: Asheville,NC

Mt. Shasta, CA: May 30 to June 9, 2025 Location: Mt. Shasta

Asheville, NC: August 12-22, 2025 Location: Asheville,NC

“Season’s of Womanhood” 2025: Woman’s 5 Day Ritual Immersion July 17-21 & Forest Prayer Fast Sept 26 - Oct 4

Tuition Cost In The USA?

Deposit: $500 Non refundable deposit will hold your spot for this program.
Early Registration:
 $2,700 if paid in full prior to 10 weeks before start date - Save $200. 
Late Registration: $2,900 if paid inside of 10 weeks before start date.
Full payment: Due not later than 8 weeks before start date. All tuition is Non-refundable inside of 8 weeks prior to program start date.


Have more questions about the Vision Quest?

I’ve been in therapy for over two years – and this was the most profound work I have done to date. My life is forever changed!
— Vison Quest Participant, age 40
Rather than the need to heroically save the whole world,
the real work of humanity at this time may be to awaken the unique spark and inner resiliency of genius within each person.
— Michael Meade

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