The Seasons of Womanhood
Calling All Women
Are you ready to fully inhabit your own life?
Art by: Gaia Orion
Did you wake up one day and realize you are living someone else’s life?
This 8-month program will help you find the way back to YOU,
all of you,
the truth of who you came here to be.
The Seasons or Womanhood Rites of Passage Program is for you if:
You have overextended yourself in caring for others
Neglected to care deeply for yourself for fear of being selfish
Internalized the systemic silencing of women’s voices
You are ready to do if differently
If you do the work….
We promise that this program will change your life
You will:
Liberate yourself from old ways of living and loving
Reclaim the wisdom already within you
Realign with your authentic self
Deepen your connection to the Sacred
The new story of being a woman in this world includes:
Embracing all parts of ourselves, stepping into the fullness of our womanhood
Being part of healing the wounds of 1000s of years of patriarchy
Forging strong bonds with other women in sacred space
Together in Sacred Sisterhood we:
- Co-create personal and group rituals
- Explore core women’s archetypes and energy patterns
- Be in vulnerable, deep, conversation about our experiences of being a woman
- Ceremonially honor our life passages and blood rites
- Create our personal mythologies of our journey’s in womanhood
- Cry, laugh, and fall in love with the world again
What Women are Saying
“Signing up for Seasons of Womanhood was an incredible experience of following my soul guidance. I would feel my intuition tingle every time I received an email about it and I’m so grateful I listened and followed through. I was journeying through the waves of peri-menopause, longing for more authentic connection, and about to move my family and nature school I had been offering for 10 years a thousand miles across the country.
Having been a long time lover of women’s circles, I am amazed at the depth, authenticity, and deep care that the facilitators embodied. In the container that was co-created I was able to discover new depths in my own being, recover lost and hidden parts of myself, share more of my truth, and experience deep connection with other women.
Every circle, every ritual, every delicious meal was grounded in exquisite intention, integrity and natural beauty. This was truly an epic journey! And I can’t wait to go around the wheel for another journey again - maybe I’ll see you there :)”
“I signed up for this program on a hope and a prayer for depth and feeling connection in my body …I’m already feeling so dropped in and already feeling so held and the depth of this space and the depth of what we will walk together.
I’m in this beaming excitement that my desire feels like its true in my body.”
“I know I am in the right place. I appreciate the depth and breadth of the sharing where we can shamelessly unfold into a truer version of ourselves.”
“I am so grateful to be spending this year with you. This experience is one I have longed for over many years, but was too….busy, afraid, in my head. Thank you for the space you are all holding for us”
“I had this magical moment of synchronicity when women share”
Subscribe to the Seasons of Womanhood list to receive exclusive women-only information on the thirteen archetypes and healing rituals.
Part 1: Thirteen Women’s Archetypes
Recorded classes + a Live Online Meeting June 27th
Sometimes we need a map to better navigate the terrain in which we find ourselves. A map can help us not only get to where we want to go but give us the freedom to step off the trail, follow our hearts and explore places not marked on the map because we trust we will find our way home.
Archetypes are patterns of energy, ways of being in the world that we can choose to embody or ignore. Embodying those we resonate with can help us explore previously unacknowledged parts of ourselves or honor more fully the known parts of ourselves.
The thirteen women’s archetypes we work with are arranged developmentally, they suggest a journey of womanhood from birth to death and back to birth.
We offer this archetypal map to help us each identify ways of holding womanhood that
We may not yet have given ourselves permission to explore
Are nourishing for us individually and allow us to freely offer our gifts to our communities
May be held in Shadow and causing harm in our lives
May be over-expressed or dominating our daily experience, not giving space for new ways of being
Need to be ceremonially honored
The first 5 recorded classes cover the thirteen archetypes in detail. The last session is dedicated to guiding you through creating your own ritual that you may choose to do at home or bring into Part 2, the Women’s 5-day Ritual Immersion program. During the live session we are available to answer your questions and get to know each other a little before the Dancing the Wheel program.
Part 2: Dancing the Wheel: Women’s 5-day Ritual Immersion
Wednesday July 23 - Sunday July 27, 2025 on sacred land in The Blue Ridge Mountains
We engage ritual as a technology to help us embody new ways of being we are calling in on our path of ever expanding wholeness. We send out a call to Spirit for support from the Otherworld.
Our ancestors have been doing ritual since the beginning of time to mark the cycles of the sun, moon and stars, the cycles of life-death-life and life passages.
We gather on sacred land as a group of sisters to hold ritual for each other, to support each other in becoming the fullest, brightest, most life-affirming version of ourselves we can be.
The specific rituals we co-create during this time remain in the Mystery. We will guide ritual processes that allow us all to move through the women’s wheel offering healing where needed for each woman. Our rituals will be grounded in the four elements - earth, air, fire and water - and will be performed only with your full consent.
We incorporate a diverse range of healing modalities including breath-work, eco-psychology, dance, song, art, ancestral healing, personal myth making, music and storytelling.
This is an encampment, we will be camping for 4 nights, eating our meals outside and not doing much showering! If lack of camping gear is a barrier to you joining us for this program please let us know and we will help you get here.
You must have participated in Part 1 The Archetypes in order to join this program.
Part 3: Forest Prayer Fast Ceremony
Thursday October 2 - Friday October 10, 2025 deep in the forest of Western North Carolina
Once we have done the emotional and intellectual work of finding the aspects of our womanhood we want to expand into or re-balance, and have then called in support from the Spirit world it is time to offer ourselves in prayer to receive guidance for bringing it all together in our lives.
Fasting and praying alone in the natural world is an ancient way for humans to be in touch with the Otherworld. We tend to hear about the men who have done it - Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha - but we have no doubt that our pre-Christian great-grandmothers knew how to do this too. The specific prayer or ceremonies performed by our ancestors may have been buried under the layers of invasions and colonizations but we can access their wisdom by clearing our bodies of food and being still in the forest.
The heart of this 9-day program is the 4-day, 4-night prayer fast when you will journey into the forest alone without food (you will have drinking water) to talk with Spirit about whatever you need to. The two previous programs, and additional time we will have spent together, will prepare you for this Rite of Passage. We will keep vigil at the fire while you are out, praying for you and available to respond should you be in need of anything.
When you return we will have time together to help you integrate this experience and be ready to step into your new life.
“Most women I know are priestesses and healers, although many don’t know it yet, and some never will.
We are all of us sisters of a mysterious order.””
Your Ceremonial Midwives
We are here to hold this space and guide us all on a sacred journey back to ourselves
Elizabeth “Be” Brown
First and foremost I am a soul having a human experience, and what a ride it is. How I have identified myself professionally over the past thirty some years is as an Occupational Therapist, massage therapist, Certified Life Coach, Hakomi practitioner, and Rites of Passage Guide. My personal journey has included many roles including being a daughter, a sister, a wife, a divorcee, a partner, a lover, a friend and a lifelong student. I am also a Mom with three adult sons ages 18, 21, 25. My heart is called to support others in their own quest for heartfelt connection and purpose in their lives.
Kat Houghton PhD
I’m a recovering psychologist and a rites of passage guide. I’ve been fascinated with the inner workings of human beings my whole life. Working with children with autism and their families allowed me to develop a huge capacity to hold space for intense emotion. Growing up on a farm in Scotland ignited my love of the natural world. I love to go deep into our psyches and facilitate our surrender to the mystery. I live on a forest farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains with my husband, his two children, and a gaggle of furred and feathered friends - goats, sheep, donkey, horse, ducks, cats and dogs!
Teresa “Tree” Thomas
I am a daughter, mother and grandmother. I am also a licensed body work practitioner since 2010 where I blend my knowledge and practice of structural, energetic, and intuitive forces to unlock patterns. I enjoy weaving in work with Rites of Passage as head kitchen witch and ritualist, providing deep care and nourishment to the people on their journey. Now, I facilitate bio-dynamic breathwork sessions in a process of de-armoring and unwinding blockages while bringing consent and full consciousness into a safely held space.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this open to everyone who identifies as a woman?
Yes! You know who you are, come join us. As the gender lines held rigid for so long by our culture begin to soften and allow for more freedom of expression we welcome anyone who lives life as a woman. We don’t need to know anything about the inner workings of your reproductive system your genitalia or what’s on your birth certificate. We just want to know you are ready to be vulnerable about your own womanhood and share what’s in your heart.
Is the content inclusive and honoring of all cultures and ethnicities?
We’re doing our best. We are four white women, three from the US, one from the UK. Between us we carry Celtic, Norse and Germanic ethnicities among many others common in the Northern European and North American mix. And so, we are biased. We recognize that are are actively questioning ourselves on what it means to be inclusive and honoring of cultures outside ours without crossing the line into cultural appropriation
What’s the cost to participate?
Click the Register Now button to see this year’s pricing. You can purchase the three parts separately or purchase the entire package up front for a 10% discount and a monthly payment plan option.
We also have an Equity Discount which is for anyone from a marginalized social groups. This is in recognition that systemic racism, sexism, classism and other oppressions have allowed for the accumulation of wealth in small, privileged sectors or society and is an attempt to be part of the re-balancing.
There are more details on the registration page.
What are the thirteen archetypes we will work with?
The thirteen core women’s archetypes are from the book “The Women’s Wheel of Life” by Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard. They are a starting point and a shared framework for us to work with. They do not represent all the aspects of womanhood. There are also many other archetypes relevant to women that may be traditionally considered male archetypes or are gender non-specific.
To learn more about the archetypes please sign up for the free series of three email that will provide more details. You can sign up here
Will the online meetings for The Archetypes program be recorded and made available?
Yes! If you are registered you will receive the link to the recording one or two days after the live meeting. When you register you can tell us whether you plan to join the live meetings or not. This allows us to open up more spaces for people who want to join the live meetings.
What happens in the 5-day ritual immersion?
We gather together on Wednesday afternoon and set up our camp in nature. Everyone will bring their own camping gear (let us know if you need to borrow something) and we will provide all the food. Our intention is to co-create group ritual. We will divide up into smaller groups focused around the archetypes and help everyone design whatever ritual seems most needed at that time. Then we will hold space for your ritual to be performed within a sacred circle of sisters.
Everything is done with your consent and as much input as you want to give. We can help you create a ritual that feels right for you.
We will likely (depending on the needs of the group) do two large group rituals in the evenings.
What happens on a Forest Prayer Fast?
That is between you and Spirit. We set the ceremonial space and help you prepare for the 4-day, 4-night solo fast. We help you return from the solo time and integrate the experience into your life. What happens while you are out is part of your story, we don’t know.