Are you ready to expand your practice to include Nature, Ritual and Somatic Focused Depth Psychotherapy?
Through a combination of somatic mindfulness, depth psychology, deep nature connection, animism, medicine wheel spiritual technology, and a variety of indigenous ceremonial practices, you’ll learn a framework for helping those you work with profoundly release old ways of loving and or surviving that have been holding them back so they can step without reservation into the next phase of their lives
“White Hart” ~ Death Lodge Ritual Process Method
"This healing process has been informed by the integration of 65 years of my lived experience and 40 years as a rites of passage ceremonial wilderness guide, body centered psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, elemental ritual process facilitator, intuitive cowry shell diviner, certified Hakomi Body Centered Psychotherapist and vision quest guide, to name of few of the hats I have worn. After 33 years of counseling practice, I voluntarily surrendered my license as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist to give my full attention to pursuing writing, learning and teaching the study, practice and methods that are foundational to this method that existed outside the scope of my previous licenses. Here are some of the teachers, teachings and methods that have become foundational to the understanding and practice of this healing modality.” ~Kedar S. Brown
The Roots of this Work:
Psychological Teachings & Methods
1. Somatic Processing
2. Family Constellation
3. Psychodrama
4. Pesso Systems Psychomotor
5. Hakomi Body Center
6. Virginia Satir Family Systems
7. Transpersonal Psychology
8. Gestat Psychotherapy
9. Internal Family Systems
10. Grof Holotropic Breathwork
Some of Kedar's teachers along the way
Steven Foster & Meredith Little, Founders of The School of Lost Boarders
Malidoma Some´ Mentor and Friend from many years
Will Rockingbear ~ Medicine Person of the Cherokee Nation ~ Mentor
Joseph Campbell
Angeles Arrien
Carlos Castaneda
Deeper More Indigenous Roots
1. From Pathology to Mythology
2. Holographic Reality
3. Animism: The decolonization of language and perception
4. Shamanism: The three worlds of memory, healing and belonging
5. Medicine Wheel Cosmology: Down the rabbit hole!
6. Well in Spirit Ancestors vs. The Unwell Dead.
7. Rites of Passage Ceremonies
8. Deep Nature Connection & Elemental Rituals
9. Indigenous perspective on illness and healing
10. Remote Journey & Healing Work
Registration Options:
February 7-13, 2025
One Spot Open: Six night residential training intensive in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. Includes three meals a day and lodging at a beautiful mountain retreat Bend of Ivy Lodge near Asheville, NC. Limited to 10 Participants. Tuition $3500. If interested contact
In response to the above program filling we have opened up new training dates:
January 24-30, 2025
Four Spots Open Six night residential training intensive in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. Includes three meals a day and lodging at a Beautiful Mountain Retreat near Asheville, NC. Limited to 10 Participants. Tuition $3500. If interested contact
Training Facilitators: Kedar Brown,Founder of Rites of Passage Council and Dr. Signi Goldman, MD Founder of Living Medicine Institute and Kallie Brown, MA LCMHC
*This training is open to Rites of Passage Guide training alumni and students and licensed professionals of a therapeutic profession (no prior training with Kedar required) ie: psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, licensed mental Health counselors, addictions specialists, life coaches, nature guides, etc.
Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will demonstrate understanding of the various psychological theories, indigenous teachings and methodologies and how they are integrated into this particular therapeutic process. 2. Participants will demonstrate understanding of therapeutic core principles. 3. Participants will demonstrate understanding of the psychological aspects of the medicine wheel and how it relates to the seasons and nature. 4. Participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of how to guide clients from story to emotions and body awareness. 5. Participants will be demonstrate how to introduce client to the use of mindfulness using contact statements and tracking. 6. Participants will be able to demonstrate how to identify malaaptive core beliefs and corresponding areas of the medicine wheel. 7. Participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of contraction and expantion of core beliefs as expressed in tne the physical body. 8. Paticipants will be able to demonstrate how to offer the client experienments in exploring more conscious awareness of inner process through movement and posture. The Elements and Ritual Prescriptions: 9. Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the medicine wheel as it relates to clients process and the relational engagement with Nature and the elements as methods of healing with ritual prescriptions. 10. Paticipants will demonstrate knowledge of the various elements and how they relate to various psychological states and challenges. 11. Participants will demonstrate knowledge of internal pathways of high sensory awareness. 12. Participants will demonstrate ability to discern between what energetic information is arising from within themselves and what is comijg from outside of themselves. 13. Participants will demonstrate how to work with non-ordinary states of consciousness (mindfulness & presenceing both in themselves and their clients).
“In the depths of the soul, anyone’s soul, there is a desire for Initiation. Initiation means one thing dies and another comes to life.”
Walk with us...
Like rivers flowing side by side in opposite directions, one moving in the this world of ordinary reality and the other moving with a magical current from an unseen source in a darker, richer, fertile ground somewhere in the west, we generally think of our lives as beginning with a birth and ending with a death. The initiatory passages of our lives are the periods when the soul’s descent into the dark night runs opposite the flow of life, in that they begin with a death and end with a birth.
Every great vision and subsequent journey began with great loss. It is the life that we cultivate each day, by the stories we tell ourselves and the way we live or lives following these great disruptions, that will lead to the crafting of character and a true elder, rather than simply just an older version of our younger, uninitiated self, still in search of the holy grail- or even worse, one who simply refused the call. It is here, by the river of memory and belonging, that we begin to guide others across that great divide.
“This is going to deepen you into your bones.”
Registration Process: 1. Email your interest to Kedar by clicking on the registration button here. 2. We will set up a phone call with you to go over any questions you may have about the training. 3. We will send you an invoice to secure your spot in the training. 4. Once admitted into the program we ask that you email a brief statement about your professional work and what you hope to gain from this training. Thank you!