Looking for Home


This recording of a live online event features Kedar Brown of Rites of Passage Council. We’d like to thank all who were able to participate in the live event - we appreciate your contributions.

Looking for Home

This is a recording of a live online gathering facilitated by Kedar S. Brown, Founder and Director of Rites of Passage Council in November 2021.

Like braided sweet grass, we feel this longing toward identity and belonging, toward a way of braiding back together our lost connection between our individual identity, our ancestral identity and our connection to the earth, that deep bone memory of connection to the lands of our ancestors. While these relationships may have been severed over time through the trauma of colonization, or perpetuation of family dysfunction or unavoidable life circumstances... we, like a tree thirsty for water and leaning towards the light look for a way to belong in this world that brings healing to ourselves and other both in this world and in the other world.

“The troubles of this world can only be healed from the other world and the troubles of the other can only be healed from this world” “It is in the shelter of each other that we live” ~ Old Irish Proverbs

Ritual is a conversation of memory and healing between the two worlds.During this webinar Kedar shared some of his personal experiences and stories from over thirty seven years of working with Ancestral helping spirits and the unwell dead in facilitating ancestral line clearing work with others. He guides you through a shamanic drumming journey to connect with an ancestral helping spirit in one of your lines to gain more information. You are also an ancestral line clearing ritual prescription to deepen your connections to the love and wisdom or your ancestors.