The Way Of The Arrow


“The Way Of The Arrow” 

A Warrior does not do what she does Because it makes her feel good.

A Warrior does not do what she does Because it makes others feel good.

A Warrior does what she does because
That is what she does.

And not doing so is most certainly a slow
And painful death.

Remember to keep death as your ally, 
Just over your left shoulder 

To remind you to stay awake…
To remind you to love fiercely… 
To remind you to stand in your integrity
Without concern for outcome

When death comes for you… 
You want to be standing in your own life 
And not another’s… 

Standing in your own medicine 
Because that is the agreements you
Made with your ancestors 
Before arriving here.

May the path you travel
Be one that feeds your people well
Those in this world and in the other.                                                                                 

Kedar S Brown, January 2011

Kedar Brown