Medicine Bundle


“Medicine Bundle”

Creator…Great Spirit, 
I am very grateful for my life.

You have given me four tools.
I use this powerful medicine in a good way with All My Relations.

Today, I am impeccable with my Thoughts for they are my Prayers.

Today, I am impeccable with my Feelings
for they are my Fire.

Today, I am impeccable with my Words for they are my Truth.

Today, I am impeccable with my Actions for they are my Life.

With death as my ally and teacher,
I live in balance with my thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

May the light of my strength, power and
presence. Call forth and bless the strength, power and presence of your light. 

And may the way in which you live my life
Be a blessing to All Your Relations. 


Written by Kedar S. Brown, October 2009

Kedar Brown